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В свое время много читал Муркока, а в частности восхитила сага об Элрике из Мельнибонэ. Почитатели сего писателя поймут))))
Поэзия / Песни21-01-2011 11:36
Welcome to the world I created by myself

Say goodbye to Law and Order and retrieve your will

Countless fandangos are exploding on your way

Everything is moving, nothing is remaining still

Nothing binds you

No one orders you

Greetings from your new world

It's the Chaosphere!

Put down your broadsword, Elric, I am your friend

You're granted guest in this realm of power

Your countless enemies found their diabolic end

Join me, my precious, Multiuniverse will be ours!

I set you free

Power is your fee

Stormbringer leads you to glory

As the part of the Chaosphere.

Yeah, it's the Chaosphere!

[What's wrong, Elric? I sense the doubt in you. Stop and put down your blade! No one dares to betray Arioch! You, infidel!]

How could you cast this spell?

The breath of Lymb is near,

But I will be avenged,

So, tremble here with fear!

Stormbringer left you

And your foe is behind you

Resistance is useless,

So perish here inside the Chaosphere!

Die in the Chaosphere!


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