Литературный портал - Поэзия, / Песни, Джедай - System Failure
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ДжедайSystem Failure

Одна из моих старых песен. Но люди о ней хорошо отозвались. Песня на три голоса - Narrative, Human и Machine. Эдакая киберпанк-фантазия.
Поэзия / Песни21-01-2011 11:14

All the world in front of your eyes

As the old movie’s single frame.

Now you learnt your life was true lie

You received pain instead of glory and fame.

System Failure…

[Everyone]: BREAK!


Your life is nothing [it’s sad but true] (with Human)

All what you got is the lie

This world is big electric [castle of illusion] (with Human)

But you’re not going to die.


[Human]: What’s going on? I can’t understand!

[Machine]: You’re a System Failure, System Failure.

[Human]: What I gotta do? It’s can’t be the end!

[Machine]: You’re a System Failure, System Failure.

[Narrative]: System Failure…

[Everyone]: BREAK!


You’ve got to fight for your future

Don’t slow your speed in this [mortal race] (with Human)


Where are you going? I will not release you!

Just be like others or you’ll be erased!


[Machine]: I won’t let you go — you forever mine!

[Narrative]: It’s a System Failure, System Failure.

[Machine]: Now I command to erase you this time!

[Narrative]: It’s a System Failure, System Failure.

System Failure…

[Everyone]: BREAK!


[Machine]: System Failure (with high voice of Narrative and Human’s brutal roar)


[Human]: What’s going on? I can’t understand!

[Machine]: You’re a System Failure…

[Narrative]: Fight by your future…

[Human]: Let’s go and fight! It’s can’t be the end!

[Machine]: You’re a System Failure…

[Narrative]: Fight by your future!!!



Stand up and fight! The victory is near!

We are System Failure, [System Failure] (with Narrative).

Let’s step up together and hit 'cause we are

System Failure, System Failure.

System Failure…

[Everyone]: BREAK!



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