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Использованы вставки "Requiem", одного из католических псалмов.
Поэзия / Песни21-01-2011 11:30
[Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion. Et tibi reddetur votum in Abyssum]

Unleash your mind, arise and smite, strike down your foe in your eternal ride

No life to spare, no one to swear — you are free, and nothing to beware

You're brave and wild, so sharp your sight, neither God and Devil at your side

Now spread your wings at all the realms, your blades are thirsty, don't be greedy for kills


You're an Angel of Freedom

All chains demolished

Don't be afraid to rise for struggle

And let your force be unleashed

[Exaudi orationem meam ad te omnis caro veniet]

Insanity, brutality, corrupted minds of damned humanity

Monstrosity of false sanity in churches full of salvated blasphemy

They lay their lives on the books of lies, and no one cares where's the truth now lies

And human's kindness often caused by blindness, this world is gripped with the hand of Darkness


Rise up from herd, tear lies you heard, believe your soul's call and be prepared

Begin the war with battlecry you roar: "Do as you will — that is the law"


Arise and strike!

[Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis]

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