Литературный портал - Поэзия, / Песни, Джедай — Sub-Zero Fear
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Джедай — Sub-Zero Fear

Написано под влиянием и по мотивам кинофильма "Чужой".
Поэзия / Песни12-09-2011 01:40
Countdown going down to zero in eternal night

Countdown... Darkness swiftly crawls and lurks into your mind.

You're not alone — there is something wild and wicked in the dark,

You cannot run away — you won't know when it suddenly attack.

The lifeless world is it's home, but you took it on your ship,

So pay the toll! Face of your friend was seized with ugly grip.

His chest explodes

and frees his soul,

but everything is in blood!


The only thing left to you is to pray,

'cause nobody shall hear your scream in space.

Betrayed lives and lonely souls

are paralyzed with blind sub-zero fear.

New life is born, it's elusive, fast and now it looks for prey.

Ravenous! With its claws and fangs you won't stand a day.

Where is your crew? You envy them, 'cause they're already dead.

What will you choose? Endless torment or the instant death instead?

You're seized with fear,

It's really near...

Decision is up to you!


You're on your own. You exploded the ship, but that was not the way.

ALIEN!!! Your guts are frozen — fear's like heavy rain.

Keep silent, please! It doesn't see you, that is your chance.

Be up in arms! Shot it out, make it withdraw in space!

The open door

blows out the gore.

It dies into the engine's fire!


The time is yours — you survived this day,

But the only thing left to you is to pray.

The silent beam of cryodream

won't make you rid of blind sub-zero fear.

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Большой молодец, что выбрали именно английский и фильм замечательный
Однако кое-какие ошибки в глаза бросились.
Например, зачем Вам предлог for после left? (в последнем припеве, кстати, опечатались). Это такой хитрый предлог, он меняет полностью значение глагола
Плюс стилистическое несоответствие в предложении Pick up the gun! Попробуйте использовать be up in arms в данном случае.
В общем, просмотрите. А так — действительно молодец.


Спасибо за ремарку опечатки и ошибки устранены


Не за чтоВообще, очень интересный способ выражать впечатления.
Надеюсь, Вас еще что-нибудь вдохновит


Будем ждать удара в лоб

Ирина Сергеевна  

Люблю английские стихи мастер Джедай)


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