The Philosophy of the Master [Ilya Volochkov], Проза / Сказки. Литературный журнал

The Philosophy of the Master [Ilya Volochkov]

This is the first micro-book in a series about the collective character of the Master. The Master is a representative of the new generation, but he has quite a unique view on life. The "Master’s Way" is a way of life, but sadly, it may not be for everybod
Проза / Сказки15-02-2016 15:56

The Philosophy of the Master (version dated 01.02.2016)

Instructions on Effectiveness

Autor: Ilya Volochkov

{{ About the Book }}

This is the first micro-book in a series about the collective character of the Master. The Master is a representative of the new generation, but he has quite a unique view on life. The "Master’s Way" is a way of life, but sadly, it may not be for everybody. That said, if you want to get the most out of life, the book is for you, and its basic strategies will help you lead an effective and fulfilled existence.

Within the pages of The Philosophy of the Master, a collection of life rules are presented. The author writes succinctly and easily conveys a variety of content. All formulations within the book are entirely unique. Though each word, each sentence, and each paragraph are carefully constructed for ease of understanding, the author recommends that you read and reread the book so that you can discuss and share it with friends. It is only through the contribution of this sharing that you will ultimately discover the true meaning of the Master's Works.

The "Master’s Way" consists of five stages that you will learn about as you delve deeper into Mr. Volochkov's books, articles, and other forms of communications. These include articles and information are published on VKontakte and Facebook, and via Twitter. A new video about the Master is put on the YouTube channel every week.

{{ The Philosophy of the Master }}

Ω The Master refused from the correct things since they had been created by others.

Ω The Master follows his fear because it leads to the answer.

Ω The Master knows that the world around him is merely a reflection he sees in his own mirror, and that he must become the master of this mirror.

Ω The main thought virus that plagues us all is “then.” Waiting causes inactivity and prevents all new moments, and ideals, from coming forth. The Master is free from this virus, and thus prevails in everything he can.

Ω Doubt is also thought virus. Therefore, the Master does not doubt. The Master knows that actions cause results; doubt causes inactivity. Simply stated: If you do not do anything, nothing happens.

Ω It is possible to take everything the Master has to give. The Master will remain rich because real wealth is knowledge. When taken or shared, knowledge expands; it does not lessen.

Ω The Master is happy because he can overcome unhappiness. However, the Master knows that this is a cycle and that he must constantly overcome any unhappiness that tries to rear its ugly head.

Ω The Master sows the seeds. Seeds grow, live, and grant eternal life.

Ω Those who are weaker than themselves are contemptible since they are slaves of their own pleas.

Ω The Master follows an “I wish” way of life. The Master is not a slave of any system; however, he is not automatically against it. The Master can thrive within any system.

Ω Did they declare the evil as the evil to call itself the saintlike and the one whose thoughts must be followed without thinking?

Ω The Master is thankful for the life of his family because without them, he would not exist.

Ω The Master is healthy because he knows that health is the basis of prosperity. There is no such thing as a weak Master.

Ω The Master knows that he has limited time on the clock of life and that it is therefore necessary to make the most of each moment, right now. Waiting for an "ideal" moment to take action will only lead to inaction.

Ω The Master does not tell you that “You must” do anything. Demands are an enemy. People are not slaves. The Master leads by example.

Ω The Master knows that all that can be seen is a reflection in a mirror because the world is perceived through the lens of everyone's individual convictions. A Master who can change lens will succeed.

Ω The Master measures his progress every day, every week, every month, and every year. The Master knows that life is an escalator that goes down (earthly life is finite, after all), and that those who simply ride it go down as well. Thus, the Master is active so that he may progress for as long as possible.

Ω The Master can subvert bounds. The master knows that the thought "this is the way the things are done” is a thought of enslavement that must be eradicated by new action.

Ω The Master knows that the key to the highest achievement can be hidden anywhere, even at the bottom of a well.

Ω The Master feeds his “dark” part, but he concentrates on his "light part" because it smells sweet and feeds him.

Ω The Master knows about death, and understands that life is actually eternal because of the seeds that are sown during earthly life.

Ω The Master agrees with himself; he is not in conflict. Agreement is flexibility, and allows action.

Ω The Master will grow old and die, but his knowledge and experience will be transferred — like DNA code — to the depth of generations, because he has found pupils and shared his knowledge with them. Changes made by the Master are passed down through the ages.

Ω The Master is always present in the current moment because this presence is his life.

Ω The Master is amiable with everyone; he does not know who rules the world, and must therefore seek to be in harmony with all creatures.

Ω The Master looks at himself with eyes of experience. Then, he asks questions that are based in wisdom.

Ω The Master is not buried by his own thoughts. However, he watches them keenly and strives to own them in order to become a worthy master.

Ω The Master does not dwell in dreams about the future or in memories. The Master lives in the current moment because life is here and it is now.

Ω The Master is a part of everything and simultaneously he is everything since everything is like him.

Ω The good health of the Master's body and wit are of supreme importance to the Master.

Ω The Master is flexible, and thus can manage those who are weak and those who are strong.

Ω If you do not do take action, nothing can happen.

Ω You are your own creator; it is only you who continuously recreates your world.

Ω If doubt occurs in the Master, he will observe it and take action to correct that which caused it. If the Master perceives that he has failed, he will observe and act similarly, learning from his experience.

Ω The Master asks himself: “What is better, to lose or to fail to try?”

Ω The Master looks at himself now as if he is looking at his future because he knows that his current actions are indeed creating his future.

Ω The Master knows that all superstitions and thoughts are his creation, and that truth is evolution.

Ω The Master knows that time is life's greatest gift and that it must always be valued.

{{ Afterword }}

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Soon you will be able to learn the wisdom that the Master has for you. Watch the news, subscribe to groups on VK and FB, and on the YouTube channel in order to get up-to-date information.

{{ About the author }}

Ilya Volochkov was born in Perm (Russia) on November 6, 1988. He is a philosopher, and a young businessman. He implemented his first project when he was 16. Mr. Volochov's projects have has positive influence on 50 million people. As a result of his hard work, he was allowed to enter the Council of the Perm Duma at the age of 23, where he helped thousands of people all around Russia. He is a founder of the all-Russian anti-alcohol movement. He travels around the world and writes books about "The Master." He has one dream: that his work begins a knock-on effect that will change the world. — Biography — Audio — Blog

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